
Multidisciplinary and Intergenerational Collaboration: A Multi-Perspective Study on the Role of Youth in the Raw Materials Environment

In today’s rapidly evolving world, different forms of innovation play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the current youth and achieving intergenerational justice in the energy transition. This paper seeks to assess the state of intergenerational collaboration and recommendations on how to better utilise the potential of youth, focusing on their role in the raw materials sector. It employs existing literature, an expert workshop at the International Round Table on Materials Criticality 2024, and a disseminated survey to investigate intergenerational collaboration within Europe’s raw materials sector and beyond, with insights on governance, business, academia, and civil society pillars. Discussing the barriers to youth inclusion in the raw materials sector, this paper seeks to inspire more research on this seemingly underexplored area. Key findings are thoroughly assessed and discussed, resulting in meaningful recommendations to bridge generational gaps within the sector and ensure an inclusive transition.

Neumann, Bianca & Sabra, Ghadi & Warrior, Dhruv & Veiga Simão, Francisco. (2024). Multidisciplinary and Intergenerational Collaboration: A Multi-Perspective Study on the Role of Youth in the Raw Materials Environment. 48-57. 10.5281/zenodo.12205882.

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