How Does Industry Manage Criticality?

International Round Table on Materials Criticality
TMS 2019 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 14 March 2019
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) hosted the third installment of the IRTC roundtable at the TMS 2019 Annual Meeting & Exhibition on March 14, 2019. The topic was “How Does Industry Manage Criticality?”
The IRTC project aims to advance the research in criticality assessment, foster international exchange and education in the topic, identify common ground and differences, and raise awareness towards materials criticality, especially in industry. It will also lay the cornerstone for a long-lasting international network.
Round Table participants:
- Prof Roderick Eggert, Colorado School of Mines and the Critical Materials Institute, USA
- Prof Nikolaos Michailidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Dr Christina Meskers, Umicore, Belgium
- Prof Atsufumi Hirohata, University of York, GB
- Dr Min-Ha Lee, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)
- Prof Armin Reller, ESM Foundation, Switzerland, and University of Augsburg, Germany
- Prof David Jarvis, HIPTec AS
- Prof Steven Young, University of Waterloo, CAN
- Dr James Goddin, Granta Design Ltd., UK
- Dr Orlando Rios, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Other invited guests
The programme is coordinated by ESM Foundation, Switzerland, and co-sponsored by the Federation of European Materials Societies.