Past Conferences

The 3rd edition of the IRTC Conference was held from February 19-21, 2025, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The theme of this conference was ‘From Raw Material Policies to Practice,’ bringing together experts to explore the latest innovations and strategies shaping the future of critical raw materials.

The 2nd edition of the IRTC Conference was held from February 21-23, 2024, in Torino, Italy. The theme for this conference was “Raw Materials in a Changing World,” continuing the mission of bridging the gap between supply risk research, policy-making, and industry needs.

The 1st edition of the IRTC Conference took place from February 15-17, 2023, in Lille, France. This inaugural event focused on “Raw Materials for a Sustainable Future” and brought together experts and stakeholders to discuss the sustainability of raw materials.

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