Round Tables

Targeted conferences and topics

IRTC Business Workshop, March 22, 2022, Online
The energy-material nexus: CRM demand, CRM footprints, and their interplay

IRTC Business Workshop, November 16, 2021, Brussels and Online
How companies improve critical raw materials circularity
The European Commission’s Raw Materials Week 2021

IRTC Business WorkshopApril 28, 2021, Online
Critical Raw Materials: the driver for the new low-carbon economy: How can we make supply sustainable?
In the framework of the UNECE Resource Management Week

IRTC Business Workshop, November 17, 2020, Online
Building resilient economies – the role of policy
In the framework of the European Commission’s Raw Materials Week

IRTC Business Workshop, May 19, 2020, Online
Identifying risks in industry supply chains

Raw Materials Week, November 18 – 22, 2019
CRM Event and final Consortium Meeting (on invitation only)
In the framework of the Raw Materials Week

ISIE Conference, July 7 – 11, 2019, Bejing, China
In-use stocks and secondary supply of CRMs

TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, March 10 – 14, 2019, San Antonio, Texas
How does industry manage criticality?

Eco Balance, October 9 – 12, 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Criticality and Circular Economy

Resources for Future Generations, June 16 – 21, 2018, Vancouver, Canada
How methodology determines what is critical

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