Training at IRTC25

February 17-18, 2025

Before the IRTC25 conference a 1.5-day introductory training covering the fundamentals of criticality and the evaluation of critical raw materials, providing essential background to profit the most from the conference will take place. Successful participation, assessed via an exam, will provide participants with a certificate “Raw materials risk manager (basic)”, in accordance with ISO/IEH 17024.

The training takes place at the Geological Survey of Slovenia, within walking distance of the conference hotel, in the afternoon of February 17 (from lunchtime) and on February 18 the whole day (from 8.30 to 17.30).

Specifically, you will learn to:

  • define risks associated to criticality
  • apply risk concepts to raw material security of supply
  • distinguish the common criticality assessment methodologies
  • know risk types for specific stakeholder groups
  • comprehend criticality indicators and their data bases
  • reproduce the EU criticality assessment
  • distinguish different levels of analysis
  • identify common risk types for specific stakeholder groups
  • assign mitigation options according to specific goals and risk types
  • understand latest development in the regulatory framework on critical raw materials
  • determine the impacts of regulatory developments on different stakeholder groups

Our Training is now EFG endorsed. Holders of the title European Geologist (EuroGeol) are eligible for a 20% discount on the IRTC training course.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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