Imagining a possible future for the German Council on Foreign Relations
IRTC coordinator Alessandra Hool and IRTC23 conference Chair Patrick Wäger imagine a possible future for the German Council on Foreign Relations: What If States Realized Their Societal Goals Through Alliances Built on Critical Raw Materials?
The German Council on Foreign Relations asked us to develop a scenario related to Critical Raw Materials in which we shall make up a possible future for 2030. After some discussions on where we could make the world head to in our imagination, we decided to let trends we believe we currently see intensify and accelerate:
- fraternization of states that have common or similar preferences, and a declining openness for diverging world-views,
- raising efforts towards strategic autonomy, in particular in view of critical raw materials supply for essential technologies.
We came up with some occurrences that are not very far away from what is happening today, and others that require quite a stretch of imagination (including a handful of acronyms).
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