
Spotlight: International Round Table on Materials Criticality (IRTC)

Over the past six years, the International Round Table of Materials Criticality (IRTC) has fostered the international exchange in the field of raw material criticality among researchers, governmental representatives, and industry professionals. Round table discussions around the topics of criticality assessment methods, the role of the circular economy in criticality mitigation, and industry applications, and support provided conceptual and practical insights that were communicated to a broader audience via scientific publications, reports, trainings, and a webtool, of which an overview is provided in this contribution. The growing relevance of the research domain and the expansion of the IRTC network has motivated the organisation of a yearly conference on raw material criticality. Today, IRTC stands as the foremost global network and event series dedicated to raw material criticality, serving as a convergence point for stakeholders across academia, industry, and policymaking.

Hool, Alessandra and Schrijvers, Dieuwertje, 2024. “Spotlight: International Round Table on Materials Criticality (IRTC).” Mineral Economics.

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