

IRTComment : What is the Concept ?

In the run-up for the IRTC23 conference, we have started with a series that we call “IRTComment”. In this series of comments, IRTC members will share their views on critical raw materials issues, developments and/or events.

Correspondence on criticality and circularity

Tercero Espinoza, Luis et al. 2021. “Reply to Correspondence ‘Circular Economy Practices May Not Always Lead to Lower Criticality or More Sustainability; Analysis and Guidance Is Needed per Case.’” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 165: 105223.

Links between Criticality and the Circular Economy

Tercero Espinoza, Luis et al. 2020. “Greater Circularity Leads to Lower Criticality, and Other Links between Criticality and the Circular Economy.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 159: 104718.

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