Imagining a possible future for the German Council on Foreign Relations
IRTC coordinator Alessandra Hool and IRTC23 conference Chair Patrick Wäger imagine a possible future for the German Council on Foreign Relations: What If States Realized Their Societal Goals Through Alliances Built on Critical Raw Materials?
EU Critical Raw Materials Act as an answer to the US Inflation Reduction Act
IRTC industrial advisor Anthony Ku shares his impressions from the European Commission’s RawMaterialsWeek: The Critical Raw Materials Act – Europe’s clean energy supply chain answer to the US Inflation Reduction Act.
IRTComment : What is the Concept ?
In the run-up for the IRTC23 conference, we have started with a series that we call “IRTComment”. In this series of comments, IRTC members will share their views on critical raw materials issues, developments and/or events.
How Companies Improve Critical Raw Material Circularity
Hool, Alessandra et al. 2022. “How Companies Improve Critical Raw Material Circularity: 5 Use Cases: Findings from the International Round Table on Materials Criticality.” Mineral Economics.
Industrial Actors in the Circular Economy for Critical Raw Materials
Cimprich, Alexander et al. 2022. “The Role of Industrial Actors in the Circular Economy for Critical Raw Materials: A Framework with Case Studies across a Range of Industries.” Mineral Economics.
Selecting and Prioritizing Material Resources by Criticality Assessments
Helbig, Christoph, Dieuwertje Schrijvers, and Alessandra Hool. 2021. “Selecting and Prioritizing Material Resources by Criticality Assessments.” One Earth 4(3): 339–45.
Correspondence on criticality and circularity
Tercero Espinoza, Luis et al. 2021. “Reply to Correspondence ‘Circular Economy Practices May Not Always Lead to Lower Criticality or More Sustainability; Analysis and Guidance Is Needed per Case.’” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 165: 105223.
Links between Criticality and the Circular Economy
Tercero Espinoza, Luis et al. 2020. “Greater Circularity Leads to Lower Criticality, and Other Links between Criticality and the Circular Economy.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 159: 104718.
Material Criticality: An Overview for Decision-Makers
Schrijvers, Dieuwertje et al. 2020. Material Criticality: An Overview for Decision-Makers. IRTC Business Brochure.
A Review of Methods and Data to Determine Raw Material Criticality
Schrijvers, Dieuwertje et al. 2020. “A Review of Methods and Data to Determine Raw Material Criticality.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 155: 104617.