IRTC 2023

The first edition of IRTC Conference took place from 15th–17th February 2023 in Lille, France. It was an honour for us to bring you all together in Lille for the first IRTC Conference on Raw Materials for a Sustainable Future.

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What was the program?

In a series of keynote conversations, international criticality experts shared their perspectives on critical raw materials for a sustainable future in moderated in-depth discussions.

In relation to thematic sessions practitioners and researchers in the field of critical raw materials contributed to the shape and content of the conference by sharing their work or case on critical raw materials. The sessions were chaired by multidisciplinary teams of experts to facilitate a discussion with the presenters.

Session Chairs selected the most novel contributions for publication in a special issue of the journal Mineral Economics.

Participants were invited to join the two-and-a-half-day conference to meet colleagues, keynote speakers and conference Chairs, to engage in discussions in the sessions and to join the networking activities.

Who were the participants?

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